University of Twente Student Theses


Values congruence and verbal behaviour of high- versus low-performing agile teams

Kamphuis, B.T.C. (2022) Values congruence and verbal behaviour of high- versus low-performing agile teams.

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Abstract:The agile way of working is gaining popularity fast, and extends in different industries then solely software creation and engineering. It focuses on autonomous, adaptive and short-lasting teams, in order to provide optimal customer value. A person-workgroup fit regarding work values and consequent verbal behaviours seem to positively relate to team performance levels, in traditional management. Still, academic research regarding this matter in agile management remains limited. Thereof, this study researches the relationship between values congruence, verbal behaviour and team performance in an agile work setting. In this study, an explorative approach is used, including qualitative and quantitative data. First, a set of values and the congruence levels within agile teams are investigated through reviewing surveys filled out by each participant of each agile team (N=79). As for the second part of the study, thorough video-analyses per agile team is supposed to track and define verbal behaviours. All in all, a conclusion is drawn, whether values congruence and verbal behaviours relate to team performance, negatively or positively. Findings support, as well as contradict prior theoretical implications. The levels of value congruence are limited for high-performing teams, meaning that values congruence is not needed to positively relate to agile team performance. On the other hand, prior research has found positive relations between these variables. Less congruity has been found for personal values, such as “openness to change” and “self-enhancement”, whereas last is remarkably lower in high-performing teams, meaning that having shared opinions on values such as power do not positively contribute to the performance of teams. Regarding verbal behaviours, it is found that relation-oriented behaviours, such as “humour” and “active listening” are more frequent in high-performing agile teams, and that low-performing agile teams engage more in change-related and counterproductive behaviours. Another example is “interruption”, leading to constant counterproductive behaviours and decreasing performance. To conclude, practical implications have been propositioned, in order to enhance agile team design and increase performance levels.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:85 business administration, organizational science
Programme:International Business Administration BSc (50952)
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