University of Twente Student Theses


Aligning data architecture and data governance

Aravind, Neetu (2021) Aligning data architecture and data governance.

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Abstract:Data Governance is a management structure that is layered on top of data to ensure that it is identified, registered, categorized, and handled in a consistent manner. Its role is to make decisions about data ownership and data maintenance over the course of the data life cycle, data quality, and data compliance. It also defines and regulates the rules for data usage, access, aggregation, and flow. Data architecture is becoming increasingly crucial for enterprises to design, improve, record, and maintain. This is partly due to a growing desire for access, data integration, and data exchange with other parties, as well as legally mandated insights into internal data flows. It brings standardization to names and, most importantly, definitions of entities across the organization. Data governance and data architecture may have a different emphasis and focus, but they are mutually reinforcing. Organizations with governance processes have a relationship with data architecture processes that come into alignment. The architecture is completely implicit but correlates to the prime functions of data governance. In the end, an organisation needs both. We need data governance and data architecture, and we don't want to be in a situation where one stands in the way of the other. For both, there is a different model, but the aim is to construct another model that allows combining the two. The main objective of this thesis is to "Develop a model that covers and complements both the data architecture and the data governance".
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:EEMCS: Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
Programme:Business Information Technology MSc (60025)
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