University of Twente Student Theses


Developing a relevant and effective assignment tool for patients diagnosed with a personality disorder : assigning patients to a supportive-structuring treatment or an insight-providing treatment

Sennef, Dennis B.W. (2015) Developing a relevant and effective assignment tool for patients diagnosed with a personality disorder : assigning patients to a supportive-structuring treatment or an insight-providing treatment.

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Abstract:The purpose of this study is to develop an assignment instrument to provide effective assignment to 1) treatment based on Dialectical Behavioural Therapy, or 2) treatment based on Schema Focused Therapy in a clinical setting. In study 1, possible distinctive characteristics of life-stories of the two patient groups are gathered through a focus group meeting consisting of eight clinicians, all employed at the same expertise centrum for personality disorders in the Netherlands. In study 2, the developed instrument is tested on reliability and validity. Results of study 1 reveal possible discriminants on 10 dimensions. Results from study 2 indicate that the instrument may be considered reliable. Validity testing showed that differences in language proficiency, self-reliance and self-control were related to whether patients were in the supportive-structuring program or the insight-providing program. Differences in structure, upbringing, pedagogical neglect, education, attribution and insight, provide interesting results for further research. Results suggest that clinician expertise is highly beneficial to research related to treatment assignment, and that the instrument developed in this study may be a useful tool for the process of systematic treatment assignment.
Item Type:Essay (Master)
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:77 psychology
Programme:Psychology MSc (66604)
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