University of Twente Student Theses


European Donor Aid For Developing Countries : A Study About European Support For Mozambican Higher Education

Ende, Mareike van der (2009) European Donor Aid For Developing Countries : A Study About European Support For Mozambican Higher Education.

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Abstract:Higher education plays a crucial role for less developed countries as Mozambique. Educated people who are able to take reflected decisions and policy choices are needed for promoting the development. Different programmes are installed by European donors, meaning countries and organizations, to support the higher education system in Mozambique. I chose to research the success of European support programmes for the Mozambican higher education since aid effectiveness of donor aid is a widely critically discussed issue. My research question is: To which extent are the outcomes of the researched European support programmes for Mozambican higher education in line with the initial operational goals? This question implies that I explain why the chosen programmes are successful or why they are failing. As tools to explain the success or failure of the donor programmes I chose three concepts containing of three different sets of criteria. The first is the set of conditions for the successful implementation of policies by Sabatier and Mazmanian (1983); the second set consists of the conditions for effective donor aid as stated by Boeren (2005). As a last set I introduce the different conditions mentioned in the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness by the OECD (2005). The methodological approach of my study is a case study in which I analyze four different cases. Three cases are projects which are running under the Dutch donor programme called NPT programme. These are firstly the Good Governance and Public Administration (GG/PA) project; secondly the Innovative Learning Methods project at the Catholic University (UCM) and thirdly the Set-up of a Structured and Coherent Higher Education (sub) Sector (CHESS). The fourth case is the cooperation between the Swedish organization Sida and the Mozambican University Eduardo Mondlane.
Item Type:Essay (Bachelor)
Ministry of Education and Culture in Maputo, Mozambique
Faculty:BMS: Behavioural, Management and Social Sciences
Subject:83 economics
Programme:European Studies BSc (56627)
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